The second mobility to North- Macedonia

The second mobility of the project „ Coping with students challenging behaviour“ took place in North- Macedonia from 20- 23 September 2021, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Teachers from all of the partner countries joined in D-r Zlatan Sremec – Skopje on a 4-day mobility where they were introduced with the school and the pedagogy of the special primary school, they got to see the methods, techniques and equipment that we use to cope with the challenging behaviour of our students. In addition they underwent a training for managing challenging behaviour, creating behaviour intervention plan and workshops on implementing different learned methods in practice. Moreover they had the experience to visit Skopje and travel to Ohrid to have the different environment to carry out learning and training activities. Being in another environment contributed to the effectiveness by evaluating the knowledge of the first day in D-r Zlatan Sremec.

By sharing experiences we got to see that we all share common issues in our schools even though we are so far apart and so different with resources, cultures, backgrounds and country development. The topic that this project covers is a broad one, and it is ever changing so we cannot find a final solution, but we can open a doorway for further research and professional development of the teachers-special educators that work with this population of students.