Riga Valda Avotina elementary school-development centre

Riga Valda Avotina elementary school-development centre is the institution of special education which offers basic education for children with learning difficulties. There are approximately 250 pupils aged 7 to 17 and 50 pedagogues in the school.
- The school provides the opportunity for pupils with learning difficulties to receive teachers’ consultative assistance,
- offers consultations of a psychologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist and special educator for pupils and parents,
- determines which one from the social assistance types is the most appropriate for children with learning difficulties,
- organizes methodical and pedagogical assistance for the teachers of mainstream educational institutions-seminars and open lessons,
- realizes home education for permanently sick children,
- offers professional qualification development courses for teachers: ’’Teachers professional competence development at work with pupils who have learning difficulties. Promotion of inclusive education in the country.’’
- pupils are provided with training books,
- it organizes afterschool activities at the stadium or playground,
- paid catering by Riga City Council 3 times a day,
- school takes part in State and international projects.
Children are enrolled in the school with the resolution of State or local government pedagogically medical commission.

Iveta Milevska, Mag.ped.
Riga Valda Avotina elementary school-development centre, Latvia.
mob.+371 29492476
Date of birth: 23/02/1958
- 01/09/2014 – 30/12/2014 A course for special pedagoues organized by University of Liepaja
- 01/12/1976-21/07/1983 University of Latvia, Faculty of foreign languages
- 01/09/1965-26/06/1976 Secondary school of Alsunga
Work expirience:
- 01/09/2014 – now Riga Valda Avotina elementary school-development centre, English teacher
- 23/09/2008-01/06/2014 Private secondary school “Klasika”, English teacher
- 01/09/1988-28/07/1998 Technical college of Riga, English teacher
- 01/09/1980-06/06/1983 Secondary school of Alsunga, English teacher