Institut pre pracovnu rehabilitaciu obcanov so zdravotným postihnutim
The Institute for labour rehabilitation of the citizen with disabilities comprises following departments:
- Secondary vocational school is a part of Institute for working rehabilitation for disabled people. School prepare students for professions. Secondary vocational school for students with physical disabilities offers theoretical education and practical training in various branches of study: 3-year teaching unions (a technical-administrative worker, an electromechanic-power equipment, a mechanic repairmen, a goldsmith and jewellery, a bookbinder), 4-year courses (a cosmetics, a mechanic of computer networks) , 2- year extension of daily studies (study of electricians, electrotechnics, an art-craft worker, a technical-economical workers). The full secondary vocational education which ends with final graduation exam. Preparatory class is one year study (which helps the candidates to handle obstacles: social barriers, after accident or not adequately treated conditions and students with health problems requiring intensive rehabilitation care.
- The department of health care and therapeutical rehabilitation which offer to our students – medical and acute services, which are in control of institution doctor and nurses, prophylactic care, therapeutical rehabilitation.
- Centre of social and labour rehabilitation provide assistance for individuals with disabilities, occupational therapy, counseling, psychological services and special training. The centre uses different modern forms and methods of social and work rehabilitation.
- The institute also includes the financial and technical department.
Our institute currently employs around 114 employees, 150 registered physically disabled students and 20 students with autism spectrum disorder.

- Mgr. Petronela Ladecká, PhD.
- E-mail:
- 2011 – 2018 PhD. In Sports Educology Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Comenius University, Bratislava,
- 2016-2018 Special-pedagogical studies, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Special Education,
- 2011-2014 Teacher of English language and literature, Comenius University
- 2004 – 2009 PE and management, master studies in Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Comenius University Bratislava,
Work expirience:
- 01/09/2018 – now University teacher in Department of special education, Comenius University
- 1/9/2014 – now Special educator in The Institute for working rehabilitation for physically handicapped citizens, Secondary Vacational School for student with physical disabilities, Mokrohájska 1, Bratislava
- 03/2016 – 12/2016 Personal Trainer – fitness, Little bit fit, Bratislava
- 1/9/2012 – 1/5/2013 English teacher, Primary school Janka Kráľa, Nová Dubnica
- 10/2010 – 01/2010 International coordinator in Faculty of PE, Comenius University
- 03/2009 – 09/2010 Cabin Crew Ryanair, Sweden